
Welcome to Bradley's Brushback – a blog chronicling my experience working with Congress, in a bi-partisan fashion, on low-income issues.



As 2017 begins to unfold, Washington remains a capitol filled with contradictions. Our soon to be new President campaigned against Wall Street special interests, yet we are about to have an Administration where Wall Street insiders control most of our government’s financial levers. Despite having voted more than 60 times to repeal Obamacare and cleverly crafting the slogan ‘repeal and replace’ as their party’s 2016 campaign slogan, it now appears the congressional Republicans have yet to answer the question; replace with what?

By Chip Bok - Monday, January 9, 2017

By Chip Bok - Monday, January 9, 2017

For most of 2015 and 2016, political pundits, especially those who work in Washington, were forecasting that by early 2017 an autopsy would be well underway on the remains of the Republican party. Last November elections were expected to bring Democrats control of at least the White House, the Senate and with a little luck control of the House of Representatives.

Of course, that did not happen. Today, it’s the Democratic party at all levels that is in need of an examination and post-mortem analysis.

Speaking of the 2016 congressional elections, voters sent a message. They want a Congress where Democrats and Republican reach consensus and actually pass bipartisan problem solving legislation. Of course, in reality, the parties appear further apart than ever. Compromise will be a seldom used term.

Now we are poised to add a log to the contradiction fire.

I am betting that we can get this Congress, this new Administration to support a strong Community Action program. Yes, congressional Republicans supporting a major poverty program. And yes, Democrats working with them. The terms "bipartisan," "poverty" and "Community Action" could be viewed as one of the bigger contradictions in today’s Washington.

Here’s hoping that if we do it right, that sometime in the not too distant future, bipartisan support for poverty will no longer be a contradiction.

Wanted: Profiles in Courage

Wanted: Profiles in Courage

A Calm Before the Storm

A Calm Before the Storm